Dental veneers

Dental veneers are porcelain plates fixed to the front surface of the teeth to restore esthetic functions of the teeth. By using dental veneers it is possible to remove teeth visual defects and restore dental esthetic attractiveness without affecting their functionality. Dental veneers can be used in cases when the patient’s teeth by time have lost their natural color (turned yellow or become dark) form, or have gotten covered by various kinds of pigment spots, as well as for elimination of congenital tooth defects (increased dental slots, teeth of uneven shape).

Dental veneers are very thin (0.2-1 mm). Ceramics the dental veneers are made of is the light-permeable, like tooth enamel, therefor teeth restored by dental veneers look natural and esthetically attractive.

Dental veneers are most commonly used for restoration of the teeth located in the esthetic zone (incisors). If necessary and the patient wishes, dental veneers can be also used for restoration of the side teeth.

Even if the defect has affected only one tooth, esthetically better result can be achieved by restoring several teeth at once (for example, four incisors) by ensuring complete dental compatibility both in their color and form.

Our specialists

Jānis Kukulis
Dr. Jānis KukulisCertified dentist
Rihards Lācis
Dr. Rihards LācisCertified dentist
Daniels Kūms
Dr. Daniels KūmsCertified dentist, certified dental prosthetist
Konsultācija protezēšanā līdz 30 min
50.00 Eur
Nospiedumi kroņa izgatavošanai
49.00 Eur
Nospiedumi kroņa izgatavošanai uz implanta ar standarta karoti
59.00 Eur
Nospiedumi parciālas plates izgatavošanai ar standarta nospiedumu karoti
28.00 Eur
Nospiedumi totālas plates izgatavošanai ar individuālo karoti
92.00 Eur
Digitāls nospiedums protezēšanai
59.00 Eur
Pagaidu plastmasas kronis izgatavots kabinetā
39.00 Eur
līdz 2 vienībām gab., cena par 1
Pagaidu plastmasas kronis izgatavots kabinetā
80.00 Eur
no 3 līdz 12 vienībām kopā
Pagaidu plastmasas kronis izgatavots laboratorijā
110.00 Eur
Keramikas pakāpe priekšzobu rajonā
39.00 Eur
Keramikas smagana
39.00 Eur
Bezmetāla keramikas kronis
550.00 Eur
E max
Venīri, keramikas plāksnītes
550.00 Eur
E max
530.00 Eur
Uzvaskojums par vienu vienību
19.00 Eur
Smaida pielaikošana jeb mock-up
200.00 Eur
pagaidu plāksnītes venīriem visiem etapiem

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