Our team

In our clinic works qualified and certified dentists, endodontist, periodontologist, high-level specialists in implantology and maxillary facial surgery, dental assistants and dental hygienists.

Jānis Kukulis
Head of the clinicDr. Jānis KukulisCertified dentist

In 1996 he graduated from the Latvian Academy of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry.

From 1996 to 2000 he worked at the National Dental Centre.

From 2000 to 2016 led the Dr. J.Kukulis’ Dental Practice.

From 2016 – head of the JK Dent Clinic.

Regularly improves his knowledge in courses and seminars in Latvia and abroad.

Specialization: therapy, surgery, prosthetics.

Gatis Černovskis
Dr. Gatis ČernovskisCertified Oral, Maxillofacial Surgeon
Member of the Latvian Association of Dentists and the Latvian Association of Mouth, Face and Maxillofacial Surgeons.

He regularly participates in various international and Latvian conferences, clinical courses and seminars. In 2011, he obtained the certificate of oral, facial and maxillofacial surgeon.

Anna Mihailova
Dr. Anna MihailovaCertified dentist, certified endodontist
Graduated from Riga Stradins University in 2007.
2007-2011 dentist Dr.J. A bribe in private practice.
2009-2012 residency in the subspecialty of endodontics.
2012-2017 works as a doctor-endodontist at the Institute of Stomatology.
From 2017, doctor-endodontist at SIA Adenta.
From February 2021, doctor-endodontist in JKDent dentistry.
Specialization: endodontic treatment/retreatment of dental root canals under microscope control.
Aleksejs Dons
Dr. Aleksejs DonsCertified Oral, Maxillofacial Surgeon.
In 2015, he graduated from the Institute of Dentistry of Riga Stradins University, obtaining a dentist’s certificate. While continuing his studies at Riga Stradins University, in 2017 he obtained a certificate of oral, facial and maxillofacial surgeon.

Gained experience by working as an emergency doctor at the Riga International Airport “Riga”, in the private clinic “ARS”, in the State Emergency Medical Service as an emergency doctor.

Actively participates in scientific work, specializes in soft tissue regeneration, use of biomaterials in oral, facial and jaw surgery.
He regularly participates in international and Latvian conferences, clinical courses and seminars.

Zane Vasermane
Zane VasermaneCertified dentist
Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Riga Stradins University
Works with both children and adults and practices general dentistry.
Daniels Kūms
Dr. Daniels KūmsCertified dentist, certified dental prosthetist
Klīniskajā darbā visvairāk aizrauj iespēja palīdzēt pacientiem vairāk sirsnīgi smaidīt, uzlabojot zobu estētiku ar porcelāna plāksnītēm, onlejām, kroņiem, restaurācijām uz implantātiem.
2011.- 2016. – studējis Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Stomatoloģijas fakultātē, iegūstot zobārsta grādu.
2016.-2019. – turpinājis sevi attīstīt profesionāli Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Tālākizglītības fakultātes rezidentūrā, iegūstot zobu protēzista kvalifikāciju.
Paralēli klīniskajam darbam veic pedagoģisko darbu ar RSU Zobārstniecības fakultātes studentiem.
Regulāri papildina zināšanas, iepazīstoties ar jaunāko nozares literatūru, kā arī  tālākizglītības kursos Latvijā un ārzemēs.
Latvijas Zobārstu asociācijas un Latvijas Ārstu biedrības biedrs.
Rihards Lācis
Dr. Rihards LācisCertified dentist, certified dental prosthetist
Graduated from the Faculty of Stomatology of Riga Stradins University,
He continues to develop himself professionally in the residency of the RSU Faculty of Continuing Education as a dental prosthetist.
In parallel with clinical work, pedagogical work is carried out with students of the Faculty of Dentistry of RSU.
The clinic carries out scientifically proven, innovative and modern treatment using the latest technologies.
Regularly improves knowledge in courses in Latvia and abroad.
Latvian Association of Dentists,
Member of the Latvian Association of Doctors and the European Osseointegration Association.
Specialization: prosthetics, implantology, aesthetic restoration of teeth
Guna Siliņa
Dr. Guna SiliņaCertified dentist, certified pediatric dentist
Graduated from the Faculty of Stomatology of Riga Stradiņš University and studied the specialty of pediatric dentist at the Faculty of Continuing Education of RSU at the Pediatric Dentistry Residency.

The priorities of clinical work are children’s dental therapy, treatment of dental injuries and caries prevention.

Regularly improves knowledge in continuing education courses in Latvia and abroad.

Member of the Latvian Association of Dentists.

In parallel with clinical work, pedagogical work is carried out with students of the Faculty of Dentistry of RSU.

Maija Kalēja
Dr. Maija KalējaCertified dentist
In 1989 she graduated from the Riga 1st Medical College with diploma of the dental technician.

In 1994 she graduated from the Latvian Medical Academy, Faculty of Dentistry.

From 1994 to 1997 she continued her studies in the Latvian Medical Academy, Post-Graduate Education Faculty in specialty therapeutic dentistry-cariology and endodontics.

More than 20 years of experience in general dentistry.

From 1996 to 2016 worked in the Vanags’ Dental Clinic.

Continues to improve her knowledge in dentistry and general medicine by regularly participating in seminars and courses led by Latvian and foreign lectors, as well as in conferences organized by Latvian Doctor’s Society.

Specialization: therapeutic dentistry, including endodontics, esthetic dental filling, treatment of erosions and abrasions, as well as restoration of the bite height, surgery, prosthetics, including on implants.

Maija Briede- Narbute
Dr. Maija Briede-NarbuteCertified dentist
In 1995 she graduated from the Latvian Academy of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry.

Specialization: therapeutic dentistry, endodontics, prosthetics.

Iveta Pleša- Rutule
Dr. Iveta Pleša RutuleCertified dentist
In 1996 graduated from the Latvian Medical Academy, Faculty of Dentistry.

Regularly improves knowledge in different courses and conferences in Latvia and abroad.

Specialization: therapy, esthetic dental filling, endodontics and dental prosthetics.

Adhesive bridges.

Laura KrumpāneCertified dentist
Absolvējusi Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Stomatoloģijas fakultāti. Lai sniegtu kvalitatīvu un mūsdienīgu ārstēšanu, turpina sevi attīstīt kursos Latvijā un ārzemēs, kā arī aktīvi iesaistās zinātniskajā darbā.
Specializācija: terapeitiskā zobārstniecība, endodontija, protezēšana.
Nadīna Paupere
Dr. Nadīna PaupereCertified dentist
Graduated from Faculty of Dentistry of the Riga Stradins‘ University.

Works with both children and adults and practices in general dentistry.

Anastasija Samoilova
Dr. Anastasija SamoilovaCertified dentist
In 2019 graduated from the First Pavlov State Medical University of St. Petersburg dental faculty
In 2021, successfully passed the qualification compliance test and became a certified dentist in Latvia.
Regularly updates knowledge in Latvia and abroad
Specialization: Therapy, aesthetic filling of teeth, endodontics, prosthetics, surgery
Līga Šmukste
Dr. Līga ŠmuksteCertified dentist
In 2014, graduated from the Faculty of Stomatology of Riga Stradins University.
Regularly expands knowledge in courses both in Latvia and abroad.
Specialization: therapeutic dentistry, endodontics.
Kseņija Poliščuka
Dr. Kseņija PoliščukaCertified dentist

Graduated from Faculty of Dentistry of the Riga Stradins‘ University.
Works with both children and adults and practices in general dentistry

Katrīna MihailovaCertified dental hygienist
In 2018, she graduated from Riga 1st Medical College, obtaining a dental assistant professional qualification diploma.
In 2021, she graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of Riga Stradins University, obtaining the professional qualification of a dental hygienist.
Regularly improves knowledge in training courses, conferences and seminars.
Karīna Skabeiķe
Karīna SkabeiķeCertified dental hygienist
Graduated from the 1st Medical College, obtaining the qualification of a dental technician.
In 2009, she graduated from Riga Stradins University – the first-level professional higher education study program “Dental Hygienist”.
In dentistry since 1994.
From 2012 to 2016, she worked at the German clinic DENTICUM.
Mastered the Cerec method of 3D CAD/CAM crowns and inlays construction, milling and crystallization processes.
Regularly updates knowledge in Latvia and abroad.
Agnese Vāvere
Agnese VāvereCertified dental hygienist
In 1993, she graduated from Riga 1st Medical School, obtaining the specialty of dental nurse.
In 1996, she graduated from the School of Dental Hygienists of the Latvian Medical Academy, becoming one of the first dental hygienists in Latvia.
In 2002 graduated from RPIVA with a bachelor’s degree in social sciences.
In 2018-2019, she practiced at the Norwegian clinic Lillesand tannklinikk.
Regularly improves his knowledge by participating in international congresses and conferences in Latvia.
Specialization: professional oral hygiene for adults and children, teeth whitening.
Iveta Dika
Iveta DikaCertified dental hygienist
Graduated from the dental hygienist school of Paula Stradins University.
Practicing for 20 years.
Specialization: professional dental hygiene.
Glafira Petkeviča
Glafira PetkevičaCertified dental hygienist
In 2020, she graduated from Riga Stradins University and obtained a dental hygienist qualification.
Before that, she worked in the dental team as a dental assistant, graduating from Riga 1st Medical College in 2013.
Regularly updates knowledge in seminars and courses.
Madara ĀbeleDental administrator at JK Dent
Sandra Straume – JēkabsoneDental administrator at JK Dent
Graduated from Riga Paula Stradiņš University, Faculty of European Studies, Political Science.
More than 10 years of experience in administrative work in the field of customer service.
Elita BreiteDental administrator at JK Dent
Graduated from the State University of Latvia majoring in trade economics, obtaining the qualification of economist.
More than 20 years of experience in the field of customer service.
Dārta MeijaCertified dental assistant
In 2022. graduated from Riga 1st Medical College.
Līva BankovaCertified dental assistant
In 2018, she graduated from the 1st Medical College of Riga, obtaining a diploma in the specialty of dental nursing.
Kristīne DaugateCertified dental assistant
In 2014, she graduated from Riga 1st Medical College.
Inga GerbačaCertified dental assistant
In 2005, she graduated from the 1st Medical School of Riga, obtaining a diploma in the specialty of dental nursing.
Knowledge is supplemented by qualification improvement courses in Latvia.
Kristīne KorjakinaCertified dental assistant
In 1993, she graduated from the 1st Riga Medical School, majoring in dental nursing.
Improved knowledge in various further education courses.
In his free time, he likes to go hiking and paint.
Margarita GiļazovaCertified dental assistant