Bone augmentation

After tooth extractions, the alveolar bone that holds the tooth in position atrophies over time. Such atrophy leads to a reduction in bone volume. In cases where the patient has chosen to replace the tooth with an implant, but the volume of the bone is insufficient, a bone graft is indicated to increase the volume of the bone.

Bone augmentation is performed in both the upper and lower jaw. Sinus lift: A sinus lift operation is more often performed in the upper jaw, where with an approach from the oral cavity, the paranasal membrane is mechanically lifted and artificial bone pellets are inserted between the bone and the membrane. After such an operation, there is a recovery period of 5-6 months. Immediately after the operation, a slight edema is expected on the side of the operation, the patient is not recommended to be in high-pressure rooms (for example, flying) for 2 weeks, and antibacterial therapy should be used for 7-10 days.

Lateral bone augmentation: Such bone augmentation is more often indicated for augmentation of the posterior teeth regions of the lower jaw, or for augmentation of the bone volume of the maxillary incisor regions (although other jaw regions are also enlarged in this way). Such transplantation is characterized by the use of either human bone or other material. After the transplantation, similar to other transplantation procedures, it is not recommended to go to the sauna, antibacterial therapy should be used for up to 10 days and the healing period lasts up to 6 months.

Vertical bone augmentation: If the amount of bone is insufficient for the length of the implant, vertical bone augmentation may be indicated. This type of procedure is more complicated because it often involves replacing metal mesh. After the transplantation, similar to other transplantation procedures, it is not recommended to go to the sauna, antibacterial therapy should be used for up to 10 days and the healing period lasts up to 6 months.

Our specialists

Aleksejs Dons
Dr. Aleksejs DonsSertificēts sejas un žokļu ķirurgs
Zobu ekstrakcijas:
40.00 Eur
viensakņu ar osteotomiju
52.00 Eur
kustīgs viensakņu
29.00 Eur
57.00 Eur
kustīgs daudzsakņu
45.00 Eur
daudzsakņu ar sakņu dalīšanu
80.00 Eur
gudrības zoba ekstrakcija
100.00 – 120.00 Eur
sarežģīta gudrības zoba ekstrakcija ar osteotomiju
142.00 Eur
novirzīta jeb retinēta zoba ekstrakcija
142.00 Eur
Asiņošanas apturēšana pēc ekstrakcijas
10.00 Eur
Intraorāla abscesa atvēršana, drenēšana
29.00 Eur
Pārsiešana pēc incīzijas
12.00 Eur
Lēvera veidošana
27.00 Eur
Šuvju uzlikšana
27.00 Eur
Šuvju noņemšana
13.00 Eur
Saknes gala rezekcija atkarībā no zoba un situācijas
250.00 Eur
Alveolīta ārstēšana
32.00 Eur
kiretāža, medikamenta aplikācijas
Ankylos C/X (Vācija) implanta ievietošana
740.00 Eur
Straumann Roxolid SLA (Šveice) implanta ievietošana
750.00 Eur
Straumann SLA Active (Šveice) implanta ievietošana
820.00 Eur
Straumann cirkonija (Šveice) implanta ievietošana
880.00 Eur
Neodent (Straumann grupa)implanta ievietošana
640.00 Eur
Neodent cirkonija (Straumann grupa) implanta ievietošana
750.00 Eur
Straumann slēgskrūves ievietošana
32.00 Eur
Smaganas formētājs, ja ievietots implantācijas laikā
50.00 Eur
Implanta atsegšana
80.00 Eur
atsevišķā seansā
Sinus lift
840.00 Eur
cenā nav iekļauti materiāli
Membrānas ievietošana
150.00 Eur
Ķirurga konsultācija
50.00 Eur
Kaula pieaudzēšana
840.00 Eur
Slēgtais sinus lift
250.00 Eur
Smaganu plastika
200.00 Eur
Lūpas saitītes plastika
90.00 Eur
Mēles saitītes plastika
90.00 Eur
Asiņošanas kontrole ar koagulatoru
20.00 Eur
Implanta izņemšana
80.00 Eur

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